We help businesses like yours measure and improve operations with data you already have.

Your business runs on ones and zeros.

Let's add another zero.

Do you ever feel like you're flying blind?

Like you're managing your business on intuition and hope instead of solid data?

Is the data you have scattered everywhere and hard to use?

Deep down, do you know you should be getting more value from your data but you're not sure how?

You're not alone. We're here to help.

PathMode is proudly located in Chandler, Arizona and we service Greater Phoenix and Tucson.

At PathMode, we’re obsessed with helping businesses like yours work better through data. We’ll help you establish and track your key indicators, gain insights, and put your data to work for you.

We’ll help you get a clear operating picture of your entire organization – so you’ll know where the problems and opportunities are.

How we can help you

Total Organizational Insight

We'll help you deeply understand the key drivers of your business and we'll provide full visibility into your key metrics.

Data Analytics & Machine Learning

We'll help you get the most out of your data through state of the art machine learning and powerful analytics.

Automation & Technology cONSULTING

We'll work together to establish a roadmap for your organization's technology, data, and automation strategy.

Start getting the value from your data that you already have.
Let's get started today.